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InsightsGuillaume DetraitDr. Oren Rosen
Performance Drivers Return for Quant Macro and Trend Following

Performance Drivers Return for Quant Macro and Trend Following

Many investors are rediscovering Quant Macro and Trend Following after a bruising 2022 for equities, bonds, and other asset classes. The S&P 500 lost -18%, but worse, bonds lost -13% when they were supposed to provide much relied-upon diversification. By comparison, indices like the SG Trend Index returned +27% in 2022, recapturing investors’ interest in Quant Macro and Trend Following.

News, Articles, & PRWelton Investment Partners
Welton named as a category finalist in Institutional Investor’s 20th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards

Welton named as a category finalist in Institutional Investor’s 20th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards

We are honored to share that Welton Investment Partners has been named among six finalists within the category of “Quantitative Hedge Fund Manager of the Year” in Institutional Investor’s 20th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards.

EventsWelton Investment Partners
Reuters ESG Investment Conference panel to be co-led by Dr. Patrick Welton and Anthony Minopoli, President & CIO of Knights of Columbus

Reuters ESG Investment Conference panel to be co-led by Dr. Patrick Welton and Anthony Minopoli, President & CIO of Knights of Columbus

  Event: Reuters ESG Investment North America 2021 Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021. 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM EDT Location: Webinar Panel Agenda: Authentic ESG Fund Selection: Understand how new funds can demonstrate true, full ESG integration due to no encumberment of...

Welton Investment Partners