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The Impact of Higher Interest Rates on Hedge Fund Strategies
With a risk-free rate of 5%, investors have options that were not available two years ago, and this is now the bogey that managers are compared to. So, do higher rates improve a hedge fund’s performance expectations, or are they a headwind? As with most things, it depends.
Finding Value in Drawdowns
Investors' natural aversion to drawdowns can lead some to harmful action or inaction well-described in the field of behavioral finance. The best strategic and tactical investors harness a disciplined pursuit of value to capture the available excess return.
Performance Drivers Return for Quant Macro and Trend Following
Many investors are rediscovering Quant Macro and Trend Following after a bruising 2022 for equities, bonds, and other asset classes. The S&P 500 lost -18%, but worse, bonds lost -13% when they were supposed to provide much relied-upon diversification. By comparison, indices like the SG Trend Index returned +27% in 2022, recapturing investors’ interest in Quant Macro and Trend Following.
Finding Diversification: The Geometry of Time and Correlation
When someone says ‘time is on their side,’ they’re saying time is working in their favor, and almost always from a long-term...
Diversification Revisited: What Changed During this Recovery?
The financial recovery since early 2009 has been a most welcome reprieve from the lowest depths of the Global Financial Collapse...
Going Up: Where to Find Returns if Interest Rates Rise
With corporate bond and U.S. Treasury rates near 100-year lows after a 30-year steady decline, investors everywhere are pondering the consequences if interest rates begin to...
The 60/40 Portfolio Is Back — But Is It Safe?
The wisdom of the venerable 60/40 allocation was questioned in 2021 amid the end of the 40-year bond bull market. But now, some major media outlets are declaring that 60/40 is back. But is it safe?
Welton Proudly Accepts the SBAI’s Invitation to Join as a Core Supporter
Welton is pleased join this select group of institutional investors and asset managers devoted to serving the SBAI's mission to improve outcomes within the alternatives industry.
Welton named as a category finalist in Institutional Investor’s 20th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards
We are honored to share that Welton Investment Partners has been named among six finalists within the category of “Quantitative Hedge Fund Manager of the Year” in Institutional Investor’s 20th Annual Hedge Fund Industry Awards.
Texas RIA Summit | Dallas, TX
Join us on September 21 to see Bill Marr's panel, "Recalibrating the 60/40 Asset Allocation Model," where panelists will discuss tactics to help clients navigate inflation, higher interest rates, and increasingly frequent market shocks over the short and long-term.
Beach Clean-Up with Save Our Shores
A big thank you to Save Our Shores, a local organization dedicated to preserving clean shores, healthy habitats and living waters within the Monterey Bay. It was our privilege to partner with you this month to help clean up our local beach. ...
Reuters ESG Investment Conference panel to be co-led by Dr. Patrick Welton and Anthony Minopoli, President & CIO of Knights of Columbus
Event: Reuters ESG Investment North America 2021 Date: Wednesday, June 16, 2021. 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM EDT Location: Webinar Panel Agenda: Authentic ESG Fund Selection: Understand how new funds can demonstrate true, full ESG integration due to no encumberment of...