Welton Advantage

Multi-Strategy ESG

We believe ESG Investing is the single greatest theme of the next 20 years representing a generational shift in preference for capital impact. We also believe that the ESG improvements must be better, that ESG investment outcomes must be better, and that investment risks that imperil ESG portfolios are investing sustainability risks and must be better.

Welton Advantage seeks to deliver:


    • Real ESG Advantage – measurably better ESG scoring than the S&P 500
    • Return Advantage – returns materially greater than the S&P 500
    • Downside Advantage¹ – potential for less downside risk than the S&P 500
    • Risk Advantage – superior risk adjusted returns than sustainable fund universe
Hiking on a trail

¹ Downside Advantage is defined as positive performance provided through the diversifying properties offered by the diversifying trend strategies, which are meant to offset losses incurred by the active equity portfolio during equity market correction periods. By design, the diversifying trend strategies are constructed to be uncorrelated to the active equity portfolio over reasonable holding periods, however, performance correlations may periodically rise over shorter time periods. There is no guarantee that diversifying trend strategies will prevent against losses from the active equity portfolio. Moreover, investors may experience greater losses due to the inclusion of the diversifying trend strategies.

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Our Sustainability Investing Pillars


We believe investment results drive ESG investing sustainability goals

  • ESG investors want to drive change through capital impact
  • Better results attracts more capital driving higher relative valuations that incent management and governance decisions
  • Portfolios weighted toward better scores and improving scores drive greater capital impact

We believe investment risks are ESG investing sustainability risks

  • Investment risks endanger the primary ESG mission
  • Risks to ESG investors’ capital reduce its size and imperil the momentum of drawing more capital to the cause
  • Inflation, monetary, currency, volatility, asset valuation and other major risks must be sustainably mitigated

We believe ESG investing’s positive impact is magnified by addressing results and risk

  • Through data-driven, active management
  • Using the best of technology and machine learning combined with investment team experience
  • Diversify investing beyond equities alone and into multi-asset class ESG for effective diversification and risk mitigation

Unified ESG Driven Approach

Unified ESG Approach

  • Unites all sectors and asset classes
  • Rewards sustainability through better ESG scores and positive ESG momentum
  • Accommodates long-short strategies

Created the ESG Framework for Global Multi-asset

  • Published original research solving for the absence a Multi-asset global ESG scoring system using the World Bank Sovereign ESG Framework
  • Calculates objective sovereign ESG scores for FX, Fixed Income, Equity Index and Commodities
  • (Click here for overview)

Solved Investors’ Challenge of Different ESG Scores

  • Published original research on combining multi-sourced ESG scores based on differing methods
  • Allows full portfolio scoring measures through time

ESG scores at the end of Q1 2023. The Welton ESG Score quantifies the sustainability of a portfolio’s positioning at a given point in time. It utilizes a quantitative transformation to standardize ESG scores issued by different sources or methods for both the ESG score of the individual instrument and the full portfolio.

Welton Performance Awards

Finalist - ESG Investing Awards 2021

Welton Investment Philosophy

We believe that focusing on a portfolio of recurrent market events, harnessing well-researched team insights, and applying rigorously tested mathematical models, leads to superior absolute return opportunities fit for all market environments.

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Welton Investment Partners